Horst Grabosch – Alltage

JHM 080

Horst Grabosch - tp, flh
Markus Wienstroer - g
Frank Köllges - keyb, d, voice
Thomas Witzmann - d, perc

1. Alltage (Escaped) (4'40)
2. Zeitlos (Fluency) (3'51)
3. So sehr (Solitude) (2'38)
4. Nervenbahnen (High speed) (3'40)
5. Alltage (Never ending) (3'55)
6. Im Überschwang (Happiness) (5'53)
7. Das Karussell (Turning point) (4'14)
8. Nervenbahnen (Rotation) (4'06)
9. Endzeit (Crazy business) (5'12)
10. Kreisbahn (Prisoners) (2'18)
11. Unerreichbar nah (Dubious mercy) (3'34)
12. Grenzenlos (The wall) (4'07)
13. Erinnerung (Rovers) (2'43)
14. Gleichmut (Avowals) (2'53)
15. Nervenbahnen (Acceleration) (3'32)

"Alltage" ("All" translates to "Universe"), the sequel of Horst Grabosch's debut "Die Kälte des Weltraums" ("The coldness of the orbit"). Aside from Grabosch you hear the two drummers Frank Köllges and Thomas Witzmann plus Markus Wienstroer on guitar. A conceptual CD on "guided improvisation", comprised of "first takes" from one single day of recording.